Micki Lenhoff
Micki Lenhoff


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The early Chinese looked at the human body as a bunch of invisible energy streams moving through it. When these avenues of energy are re established, the body will function as a strong, healthy organism capable of resisting disease. One of the most important roles of an acupuncturist is to recognize how these avenues of power could possibly have become impaired and also master to restore them to their proper form. It’s been estimated that the process of acupuncture dates back 5,000 years ago.

Migraines are not always as a result of emotional stress. Headaches during menstruation are not called migraines. Headaches with nausea during menstruation are known as cyclic headaches. Migraines aren’t only perceived by females, one can find men that are afflicted by them too! You can not assume all women have migraines as well as those that do, do not necessarily buy them around the menstrual cycle of theirs. Migraines do not merely entail soreness in the top, there are essentially 2 kinds of migraines: Painful Migraines (ninety % of all migraines) and Non-Painful Migraines (rare and simply involve visual symptoms).

Does TCM take care of Western health conditions? Many professionals in the West now are starting to recognize the benefits of treating with both Western and TCM at the very same period. Because TCM treats imbalances of energy rather compared to particular illnesses, it could be used successfully to address both chronic and acute conditions. This is our 11th installment in our fourteen day blog series for National Female’s Health Week!

What You Need To Learn about Osteoporosis. How much Sleep Is Enough? The hazards Of Sleep Apnea: sbhinter.com A Silent Killer For Over 3 % Of Women In The United States. There are many different kinds of headache including: migraine, cervicogenic headaches, chronic daily headaches and cluster. Additionally, they usually bring about pain behind the eye and in the temple area. The last style, cervicogenic headaches, may be caused by very poor posture or perhaps neck pain.

For more info about any of these sorts of problems, please visit our previous posts. Tension Type Headache. This point we are going to look specifically at tension type headache. Cervicogenic headaches most generally have an effect on the upper portion of the head. These treatment options help bring the patient back into balance with their body, so they are able to feel great and live a happy and full life. What treatments does TCM offer? You’ll find a lot of different kinds of TCM treatments but for your average treatment method, your medical doctor will probably recommend a mix of 3 things: Chinese herbal plants, acupuncture and tui na (which is like massage).


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